Here There and Everywhere

Expat wanderer

From the Sublime to the Ridiculous

It’s been a beautiful vacation, capped off with visits to two families I adore. Everything has gone so beautifully.

Then, as we set our alarms in Denver for our early morning flight back to Pensacola, we get a notification our flight will be delayed. The huge thunderstorm threw the crew schedule out of whack, and the large window we left for transfer in Atlanta shrunk to . . . nothing.

We’ve missed our flight, but we are very lucky, very lucky, they were able to find us two seats on the next flight out.

My seat

My view

We made it to Pensacola. All our bags made it with us. We had a wonderful ride home. All is well that ends well.

August 20, 2023 - Posted by | Survival, Travel, Values

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