Here There and Everywhere

Expat wanderer

“Mom, That is Very Bold”

He looked troubled. He knows living here is one of the reddest counties in one of the reddest states in the country, a sign like this could invite trouble.

“I’ve had the sign for weeks; I was afraid to put it out.” What I didn’t say is that this is Florida. People express themselves in ways I find unacceptable, like shooting at your house, or at the very least, stealing signs that express an opinion they don’t like. I didn’t have to say it. He deals with it every day.

You might think that sign means I am pro-abortion. I am not. I believe abortion is a last, desperate resort. And it is a remedy I want women to have – I want women to make decisions for their own bodies. Not men. Not a legislature. Not a governor.

It was a shock when we amassed enough signatures to get this initiative on the November ballot, not only enough, but way more than enough. The people of Florida want to vote on this and be a part of the decision-making. Right now in Florida, there is a six-week deadline on the pregnancy, during which a person might get an abortion – but that assumes the person realizes she is pregnant and can process and make a decision in that very short time.

Statistics show that since the states began limiting abortions, the number of abortions actually rose. Go figure?

No woman chooses abortion lightly. It is a medical procedure. It costs money. It takes time. It is uncomfortable. Women only choose abortion when the alternatives are unthinkable. Not having the right to choose doesn’t stop abortion, it only makes it a greater burden on women.

So I planted my sign and I hope for the best. I have found that in this very conservative neck of the woods, there are many like-minded people who of necessity keep their heads down. I want them to feel a ray of hope when they see my sign, and maybe, maybe along with voting for Proposition Four, they might even put a sign in their own yards, help others register to vote, or help transport voters to the polls in November.

June 11, 2024 - Posted by | Bureaucracy, Circle of Life and Death, Civility, Community, Cultural, Family Issues, Florida, Health Issues, Interconnected, Living Conditions, Political Issues, Privacy, Women's Issues | ,


  1. You are brave and this is an important sign! And I love how the message has been crafted to speak to Floridians: ‘limit government interference’, rather than ‘women’s rights’ or other things. Hoping for good things in November, in Florida and around the country!

    Comment by Little Diamond | June 17, 2024 | Reply

  2. Thank you Little Diamond. I, too am hoping for good things. I also appreciate your own bravery, in your own ways.

    Comment by intlxpatr | June 17, 2024 | Reply

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