Here There and Everywhere

Expat wanderer

About Intlxpatr

Expat wanderer, currently living in Pensacola, Florida, discussing travel, books, family and spirtual matters, daily life and adventures.




  1. Thanks Intlxpatr for listing me under your Blog Roll.

    I have done the same and wish you the best of luck.


    Comment by amer | October 20, 2006 | Reply

  2. Amer – Thank You.

    Your post on Tolerance was impressive and memorable. Kuwait has good people to draw from for responsible leadership positions. . . . . . . .

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 21, 2006 | Reply

  3. Hi intlxpatr,

    Great blog! I haven’t even begun to explore it fully. But the cousin post resonated with me. Keep it up!

    Comment by cagey | October 25, 2006 | Reply

  4. whoah – gotta totally use some of these recipes

    Comment by Caleb Bardoforte | November 29, 2006 | Reply

  5. Hi intlxpatr, thanks for adding me to your blogroll. I’ve enjoyed browsing your blog.

    Comment by sociolingo | December 16, 2006 | Reply

  6. Hi intlxpatr,

    My wife’s daughter (27) is considering living in Kuwait for a couple of years with her boyfriend. She’s a typical American party girl and her mother’s afraid she’ll end up in a Kuwaiti jail.

    Can you provide any insight as to the reality of the environment for young Americans? You can likely imagine the lifestyle issues she/they would confront (i.e., marijuana, alcohol, nightlife in general, etc.)


    Comment by Fred | February 3, 2007 | Reply

  7. Hi Intlxpatr, I am sure I know who you are. Came across your site as I was looking for a picture of the Corniche skyline, looking across to the Sheraton in about 2001 (do you have one?) and just feel that this is you. Not 100% sure but sounds so familiar- really interesting.

    Comment by Shirley | February 6, 2007 | Reply

  8. Hi Shirley,

    Yep, you know me. And I wasn’t in Doha in 2001. Earliest skyline I have is 2003, but pre-Four Seasons, pre big buildup.

    Comment by intlxpatr | February 11, 2007 | Reply

  9. Hi Intlxpatr, Any chance you could let me have the 2003 skyline, I need it for a presentation at work so would be v.grateful.


    Comment by Shirley | February 11, 2007 | Reply

  10. Sent the earliest one I could fine via e-mail!

    Comment by intlxpatr | February 11, 2007 | Reply

  11. Hi, Intlxpatr! I’m thrilled to see you are still writing your thoughts and experiences. You are amazing, dear friend! Hugs from across the miles, Kitkat

    Comment by Kitkat | March 22, 2007 | Reply

  12. Welcome, KitKat! And sending hugs back to you, dear friend.

    Comment by intlxpatr | March 23, 2007 | Reply

  13. Glad you are back safely in Kuwait after your break back home seeing all the family. Love reading your blog – keep it up.

    Comment by Shirley | April 16, 2007 | Reply

  14. I am always so happy to see you, Shirley! Hope life continues sweet for you in Doha! Hey, I finished 12 Days!

    Comment by intlxpatr | April 16, 2007 | Reply

  15. Great blog! I lived in Kuwait 1992-1994 and I love to read about what it is like and how it has changed. (And WOW has it changed!) I had such great experiences there.

    Comment by Global Gal | May 23, 2007 | Reply

  16. Glad you like the blog, Global Gal. Have you read Jehan Rejab’s book, Invasion of Kuwait?

    Comment by intlxpatr | May 23, 2007 | Reply

  17. intlxpatr,
    great blog, my wife and I have used it to gain info that helped us make the decision to move out to Kuwait. we are due out in September.
    So thanks for the info, it was really useful.


    Comment by Daz | June 22, 2007 | Reply

  18. Daz, Ahlen wa sahlen. I hope you enjoy your time here. Glad the blog helped. I think you’ll have a great time.

    Comment by intlxpatr | June 22, 2007 | Reply

  19. splendid work..hope u will continuing provide us information on different facets of life in kuwait…keep it going…

    Comment by Aviram | August 9, 2007 | Reply

  20. I like your blog, too, Aviram. I think if we ever hope to make a difference, we have to be paying attention. You seem to be paying attention, too. Thank you for your kind words.

    Comment by intlxpatr | August 9, 2007 | Reply

  21. Hello there. Thanks for your kind visit and comments.

    I love your blog! It brings with it a whiff of nostalgia and keeps it real about life in Kuwait. May I add you to my blog roll?

    Thanks again and have a great day 🙂

    Comment by harmonie22 | August 19, 2007 | Reply

  22. Harmonie, I love your blog, too, and I am honored to be included on your blogroll. We gotta stick together.

    Comment by intlxpatr | August 19, 2007 | Reply

  23. hi, i just stumbled upon your blog,, interesting stuff, i am here in k8 too, what an interesting part of the world it is,, the men are amazing, i think they rape women because they are all a bit WEIRD especially the americans, they walk around like dogs looking for a bone,, i used to like americans but alas k8 has shown me the nastiest side of american men one could wish to see, am i categorizing a whole country, HELL YES I AM,, the men are just undescribable,,, i wonder, is the just one good one,, happy blogging,,,

    Comment by sandy | September 5, 2007 | Reply

  24. “sandy”, you have a familiar sound and style.

    Comment by intlxpatr | September 6, 2007 | Reply

  25. Wait. you’re into spirituality?

    Comment by Blue Dress | September 25, 2007 | Reply

  26. Blue, I’m religious. And Christian. And I think we were created to be brother and sister, all of us. Our books emphasize the same values, our great religious leaders have all told us the same thing – to live in peace with one another, and to treat our neighbor as we would be treated, with kindness. That it is the responsibility of the strong to look after the welfare of the weak, widows, children, the poor. Not to judge one another, to leave that in God’s hands. My search is one of finding areas of agreement and building on them. That is my spirituality.

    Comment by intlxpatr | September 26, 2007 | Reply

  27. I am impressed by your topics and really appreciate your attempts to raise awareness to issues that matter and slip under teh belt-way
    Keep up the good fight

    Comment by Kaos | September 27, 2007 | Reply

  28. Thank you, Kaos. My long time readers will tell you that one of my ISSUES is Kuwait history just going away. The museum hasn’t re-opened since the Gulf War, and local history, a whole era, is disappearing with the old who pass away. I encourage you all to use this Ramadan time to ask questions of the older people, listen to their stories, and to write them down. I would consider it a special favor if you shared them on your blogs, so we could all read them, but writing them down, saving their stories is critical.

    (Aren’t you sorry you commented? 😉 )

    Comment by intlxpatr | September 27, 2007 | Reply

  29. LoooL
    You just keep on impressing me xpat. I think we are so ashamed of our history that we want it erased. My older brother is interested in Kuwait’s history a lot and is a volunteer in a museum. I’ll actualy introduce blogging to him and I’ll refer him to your site too. Am sure he’ll have a lot of interesting things to write about Kuwait’s history.
    Now my question is, and it is pure curiosity and not a criticism in any way, you realize you care more than the people of this country:)? How can you keep up your motivation and drive?

    Comment by Kaos | October 1, 2007 | Reply

  30. I am very very lucky, Kaos. I have Kuwaiti friends. And I read Kuwaiti blogs. You can’t imagine how much I learn, it’s the old “you don’t even know what you don’t know” thing. I learn things every day that I never even imagined.

    The Kuwait that most non-Kuwaitis see – Marina Mall, the Gulf Road, the Chili’s, the fast foods . . .is so totally different from the Kuwait behind the walls. I listen a lot.

    So I disagree. The majority of Kuwaitis I know are deeply caring, and deeply troubled about what they are seeing now. They seem, to me, to be a little at a loss as to how to turn things around. They care. They care. They are educated, and aware. Change takes time. Here is what I believe – each person has to say “it starts with me” and make things better in a small way.

    Here are two:

    Picking up the trash, and teaching your children not to toss trash in the streets or out the car, but to keep small trash bags in the car and dispose of them in trash bins.

    Buckling up every passenger in the car.

    Teaching your children – by personal example – respect for the law, and that the law applies to all people.

    That’s where it starts. Personal responsibility.

    PAWS and the AWL have taken that kind of responsibility, and their passionate commitment to humane treatment of animals is making a difference.

    Operation HOPE gathers foods and warm clothing and takes to to the unpaid freezing laborors, and changes lives one person at a time. Their passion to their fellow human being is making a difference.

    Amer al Hilaliya writes editorials for the Arab Times, openly stating problems no-one wants made public, thinking it is shameful. In my humble opinion, it is courageous, and gets people started talking in the diwaniyyas. Kuwaitis like him are making a difference.

    And people like your brother, quietly volunteering and working to preserve Kuwait’s history. Our silent heroes – oh! isn’t your brother Kuwaiti? 😉

    Each one of us can make a difference. It starts with me. It starts with you.

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 1, 2007 | Reply

  31. Greetings from another expat living in Kuwait(I’m also a wannabe traveler!)

    Comment by Joel Robinson | October 12, 2007 | Reply

  32. Joel, this is a great jumping off place for all kinds of travel. We have friends who went to see the Taj Mahal over a long weekend, and for a pittance! The cooler weather is coming, happy days in Kuwait. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 12, 2007 | Reply

  33. Hello once again! 😀 I’m adding your blog to my blog roll(with your permission)

    Comment by Joel Robinson | October 22, 2007 | Reply

  34. I am honored, Joel. thank you.

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 22, 2007 | Reply

  35. Hi!

    Thanks for leaving the lovely comment on my blog. Looking at yours, I can see I have a lot of reading to do. My life must seem very mundane. 🙂

    Comment by Kate | December 7, 2007 | Reply

  36. Kate – not at all. Australia seems so exotic from here!

    Comment by intlxpatr | December 7, 2007 | Reply

  37. Thanks for posting at my blog which in turn led me to your very interestng blog! I’m thoroughly enjoying your postings.

    Best Regards,
    Carol (American Bedu)

    Comment by delhi4cats | December 28, 2007 | Reply

  38. And I yours, Carol. We lived in Tabuk and Riyadh. I always wanted to know more. We lived on Cordoba, and so I am fascinated with your insights. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | December 28, 2007 | Reply

  39. Ops! I dont see my comments here 😀 well I never posted but I have to say that its the most informative blog I have been too..I really like moving around and I add 5 clicks to it every day,hehe

    Comment by Amu | January 15, 2008 | Reply

  40. Thanks, Amu. I love it that you check in so often, and that you comment on the articles that evoke a response. You are always welcome.

    Comment by intlxpatr | January 15, 2008 | Reply

  41. Hi Intlxpatr, glad to have discovered your blog! True that there is a soul behind the fast life that meets the eye! (Indian Expat in Kuwait) It was heartening to read comment 30.
    Shall be a regular visitor! Thankyou!

    Comment by Purnima | January 23, 2008 | Reply

  42. Welcome Purnima – your blog has some amazing recipes! I think I will have to dumb them down for my family.

    Comment by intlxpatr | January 24, 2008 | Reply

  43. Hi.. I hope u are enjoying ur time in Kuwait.. am a kuwaiti student in seattle who needs some tips about this city to enjoy my time. So do u recommend certain activities, restaurants, or malls? ( and im fed up with the U-Village and the Pike market) Thanks

    Comment by HD-Cable | February 9, 2008 | Reply

  44. I AM enjoying my time in Kuwait, HD. And I hope you are having fun in Seattle. Do you do any boating/fishing in Kuwait? Boating and fishing is also BIG in Seattle once the weather gets better. Ditto hiking, when the weather gets better, head for Mt. Rainier, head over to the Olympic Peninsula . . .

    During these bleak winter months, there is a lot of activity – The Seattle Symphony is fabulous, the Seattle Opera, all the live theatre, all the live performances, new movies coming out all the time.

    There is a great book about public art in Seattle; you can usually find it in Half Price Books, and you can make a game of finding the art – like under Fremont Bridge, along the Edmonds waterfront . . . Seattle is a treasure trove of public art.

    The Seattle Art Museum – or as they call it, the SAM

    The Science Center down near the Space Needle, and Paul Allen’s Museum of Rock . .

    Ferry rides over to Winslow, Bremerton, Kingston (out of Edmonds), the Mukilteo Ferry . . . just take the ferry over, walk around and come back. Or take the Mukilteo ferry, drive up the island, cross the huge bridge near Anacortes and drive back to Seattle down I-5.

    If you buy the Thursday and Friday Times or PI, they list all kinds of things going on every weekend – and week. Authors at the bookstores doing talks and book-signings, entertainment in some of the larger bars (you don’t have to drink to enjoy the music) oh! Pioneer Square. The International District. Take in a SuperSonics game!

    Now – where do YOU like to eat? Have you found any good MiddleEast food? We like the Kabul, in Wallingford, on 45th, but it isn’t Gulf food. I’d like to hear about what YOU have found. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | February 9, 2008 | Reply

  45. Hi there, my blog is private now but I don’t know how to add you. E-mail me if you’re interested 🙂

    Comment by Blue Ice Envy | February 14, 2008 | Reply

  46. I e-mailed you. I DO want to be added! 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | February 15, 2008 | Reply

  47. Oh OK then, you are in Kuwait!

    Comment by Blue Ice Envy | February 16, 2008 | Reply

  48. I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. It has become a part of my morning routine: stumble out of bed, squeeze juice, sip juice while reading Here There and Everywhere. 😀

    Comment by C | March 13, 2008 | Reply

  49. Welcome, C, I am honored. Your blog is so stylish! I have to wonder, in real life do I know you?

    Comment by intlxpatr | March 14, 2008 | Reply

  50. heloo iam soamli person ihave no ability because iam disable man since 1977 so that the right side is paralysed specailly idonnot ave economy support ineed to help me mt self o midical supportty tel 0025224443961

    Comment by mahamud abdi bare | March 26, 2008 | Reply

  51. Mahamud, I am so sorry for your troubles. I heard today that Somalia is sinking deeper and deeper into utter chaos.

    Comment by intlxpatr | March 26, 2008 | Reply

  52. Hi, I enjoyed reading your blog. I also live in Kuwait for half of the year, but am originally from England.

    I’ve linked to your blog from my Squidoo page. You can find it on

    Keep up the great writing! 🙂

    Comment by Jobanjo | April 18, 2008 | Reply

  53. Thank you, Jobanjo – I visited your site, too, and find it very fair re: Kuwait. You might also want to join Virtual Tourist – they could use your input! I hope you have a lot of fun exploring and enjoying Kuwait.

    Comment by intlxpatr | April 18, 2008 | Reply

  54. hi there
    yr an xpat from where?
    are you living in the place that has recently built a coast line in the shape of a palm tree and a map of the world?
    tried to find it in google earth but it wan’t bulit when they took the pics
    all the best

    Comment by hoh | May 10, 2008 | Reply

  55. The country you are thinking of is Dubai, Hoh, and I live in Kuwait.

    Comment by intlxpatr | May 10, 2008 | Reply

  56. Hello!
    I found your blog accidently (or maybe not so accidently if you believe in “no coincedences”)
    Anyway, thank you for providing me with information about Kuwait. We will be moving there in August to teach at the American International School.
    I just wanted to let you know I apprecite your comments, photos (great!) and thought process. AND I just read your piece on when “heather” contacted you so please know that I am no stalker!!
    If you wish, please drop me a line at my email. You can reference “intxlpatr” on the subject line then I won’t throw it from my trash (if it ends up there)
    Nadine W Brown
    soon to be teacher at AISKuwait

    Comment by Nadine W Brown | June 14, 2008 | Reply

  57. Hello, Nadine, and welcome to Kuwait. I have a feeling you will have a great time here, and many great adventures.

    Comment by intlxpatr | June 14, 2008 | Reply

  58. Hello,
    I’ve read some of your posts (and commented on a few), and absolutely love your blog! I’ve added you to my blog roll and will definitely be back to do some exploring!!


    Comment by souvenirsandscars | October 3, 2008 | Reply

  59. S&S – Unfortunately, you were not signed in when you commented here, so my readers cannot find their way to your blog. Come back! Come back! Sign in, please, so we can come visit!

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 3, 2008 | Reply

  60. well, I work with an oil company..I got transferred from Thailand to Kuwait some 5-6 months ago, being a middle eastern (Iranian), honestly I do not like the lifestyle in here much and am actually amazed how positive you are about this place..keep it up!!

    Comment by Sahar | October 18, 2008 | Reply

  61. what do you do in Kuwait by the way, if you dont mind..

    Comment by Sahar | October 18, 2008 | Reply

  62. IntlXpatr you are a inspirational model for expatriates and Kuwaitis alike.

    Comment by jewaira | October 18, 2008 | Reply

  63. Sahar – Welcome! Kuwait – like any other place – is what you will make of it. There are people here from all over the world, with a huge variety of talents and interests, and my guess is that you will find some who share your own. Today – after three years here – I discovered a mall I had never visited. I am not that much for malls, but I am huge on knowing resources, and this mall was an excellent resource.

    As to what I do . . . I am a blogger! 😉

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 18, 2008 | Reply

  64. Jewaira – and YOU and dear 1001 Nights were my inspirations and my encouragers. I will always owe you a great debt.

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 18, 2008 | Reply

  65. hello there…
    I am going to Al-Kout sultan for shopping this afternoon..
    do you want to meet over a coffee somewhere around?

    Comment by Sahar | October 24, 2008 | Reply

  66. You are so kind, Sahar – Fridays I spend with my husband. It is the only day we have together.

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 24, 2008 | Reply

  67. hi intlxpatr,
    was just wondering how we send in the pictures to you? email id? or any other means?

    Comment by onlooker | November 4, 2008 | Reply

  68. Onlooker – if you e-mail as attachments to, I will give you your own blog entry. 🙂 Or in one of the Great Kuwait Sand and Surf Challenge articles, you can link and tell viewers to come visit your blog, where you have the photos posted. Or – best visibility – you can do both. I think people who send photos to be posted on my blog get more votes. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | November 4, 2008 | Reply

  69. heloo sir how ru we one product for so we want meet u becouse we want explainn our product

    Comment by HARIS | November 15, 2008 | Reply

  70. Hi Intlxpatr,

    I have just been browsing through your blog, and wow, how varied are your interests 🙂 I’m relatively new to the world of blogging so it takes me a while to get around but I have been fascinated by the comments and discussion points. I also love your snow flakes…make me feel that I ought to be somewhere else this time of year 😦 Great pictures too.

    Comment by Um Yousef | December 17, 2008 | Reply

  71. Welcome, Um Yousef. Your blog is actually older than mine. I am not a serious photographer like your husband, I just take a lot of photos and use them to illustrate . . . If you click on “books” under categories, I think it will show you most of my reviews. They are not so thorough as yours are, but sometimes we have some good discussions.

    I was fascinated to learn you are also a published author, and the topic of your book. I wonder where you did your research – and if any was done here in Kuwait?

    Comment by intlxpatr | December 17, 2008 | Reply

  72. Thanks for all your comments. I did my research in the UK-it would be a thoroughly interesting and thought-provoking topic to research here in Kuwait though the implications of the findings as well as the practicalities of actually getting people to talk about such issues would be profound…It has been, and continues to be a very interesting journey. Happy new year to you and all your loved ones.

    Comment by Um Yousef | December 30, 2008 | Reply

  73. Um Yousef – I understand the dilemma. The “good news” is that it actually happens here more often. No one talks about it, except heartbroken Moms, in moments of sheer anguish.

    Comment by intlxpatr | January 1, 2009 | Reply

  74. I’m a Kuwaiti student in the US and I love your blog. you can’t imagine how happy you made me, I finaly found an xpat that enjoying their time in Kuwait. I wish you all the best

    Comment by AMD | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  75. AMD – I think you would be astonished at how many people – expats – live here happily. It doesn’t mean we don’t complain – most of us complain at home, too. 😉 It helps to have a good church, and a couple good groups in the community where you can find others with similar interests. I bet you are finding the exact same thing in your own expat experience right now – am I right?

    Comment by intlxpatr | February 18, 2009 | Reply

  76. yes you’re right 🙂 It’s very interesting to me to read about people experiences in Kuwait. Keep up the good work

    Comment by AMD | February 19, 2009 | Reply

  77. Hi Fellow Wanderer,

    Just found your blog and am enjoying it. Where else have you lived? The Muslim countries I’ve lived in are Indonesia and Palestine, and I found it fascinating. But then I enjoy living in other foreign places as well — it just broadens the mind and is never boring (well maybe after a few years and the itch for something new starts up!)


    Miss Footloose

    Comment by Miss Footloose | May 1, 2009 | Reply

  78. Forgot to say, I subscribed to your blog, so keep me entertained! 😉

    Comment by Miss Footloose | May 1, 2009 | Reply

  79. Thanks, Footloose, for your kind words. I guess it’s funny, I’ve lived a lot of places, but we often seem to go back to places we’ve been before . . . I’ve lived more years in Germany than I’ve lived in my own country. Tunisia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and now Kuwait, plus visiting as much of Africa as we can. I’m always shocked at how often things – ways of thinking – I take for granted can just be turned upside down in another culture. Even after living in a place years and years, you can still get surprised. I think some of us are wired for this kind of life, and it is a great blessing if we are able to life the life we were created to live. 🙂

    As for entertaining . . . I can’t promise. All I can be is who I am, and if you are entertained, so be it, you are welcome. I may also offend, or have ideas you don’t agree with . . . but we try to keep our disagreements civil, here. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | May 1, 2009 | Reply

  80. Can you add to your blogroll in return for a link on q8undressed. You need balls though!

    Comment by percy52 | May 11, 2009 | Reply

  81. Undressed, are you in this for the long haul? Your most recent post indicates you’re quitting.

    Change takes time. It takes a generation with new ideas, willing to spend the time to position themselves as the take-over generation in middle-age. Do you have the stamina for the long-haul?

    Comment by intlxpatr | May 11, 2009 | Reply

  82. intlxpatr

    Thank you for your comment on my blog, i find yours to be very interesting too and looking forward to exchange ideas and thoughts with you



    Comment by mimizwords | June 14, 2009 | Reply

  83. Ahlen wa sahlen, Mimi, and congratulations on a truly superior, well written and thoughtful blog.

    Comment by intlxpatr | June 14, 2009 | Reply

  84. Hi intlxpatr, just letting u know I have migrated Sociolingo’s Africa to Please could you change your blogroll link?
    Many thanks

    Comment by sociolingo | July 4, 2009 | Reply

    • Done! Link Updated! I’m leaving in the Africa part so people know what the focus is.

      Comment by intlxpatr | July 4, 2009 | Reply

      • Thanks. Actually the new blog name is SocioLingo Africa. Sorry for the confusion. I outgrew!

        Comment by sociolingo | July 7, 2009

  85. Hello! Just discovered your blog and as I am just across the water in Bahrain, have become a follower. Looking forward to reading your posts!

    Comment by Kate Carey | September 19, 2009 | Reply

  86. Hi Kate, and welcome. Hope you are enjoying your own expat experiences. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | September 19, 2009 | Reply

  87. I like your truck! Too bad they don’t make ’em anymore…

    Comment by RG | October 22, 2009 | Reply

  88. Not my truck, RG. Photo is taken in Zambia. My favored car is a Rav4.

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 22, 2009 | Reply

  89. Hi…
    I’m from Indonesia
    Nice blog
    I like it

    Comment by riza_kasela | November 15, 2009 | Reply

  90. Welcome Riza, and thank you.

    Comment by intlxpatr | November 15, 2009 | Reply

  91. Thanks for your incredible Garden Restaurant persistence…saved me from doing the same thing.

    Comment by Sam | January 16, 2010 | Reply

  92. Thank you for your comment, Sam. Have you been there? What did you order? Was it good? We are so ignorant, we usually order the same things, but we try to order one or two things we don’t know. We could use some recommendations. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | January 16, 2010 | Reply

  93. I ran across your blog from a website that you posted about an American teacher that had a travel ban put on her in kuwait for an in school suspension. I have a situation where my daughter is being held by her philipino mother and I am not allowed to see my daughter because she has hidden my daughter away from me

    Comment by lostintheworld | January 28, 2010 | Reply

    • I am so sorry. I can’t imagine your pain. I hope you have good legal representation.

      Comment by intlxpatr | January 29, 2010 | Reply

  94. Hello. By chance i read a comment about myself in the internet written by intlxpatr and i am thankful and overwhelmed by your kind words. Time has gone so fast and unfortunately i do not remember you.

    If by chance you have the time, it will be a pleasure to remember you by calling me on 48630303.

    Thank you and best regards.

    Mohammed Al Malki

    Comment by Brig Gen Mohd Al Malki | March 25, 2010 | Reply

  95. General Al Malki, I am honored by your visit.

    I am also no longer living in Qatar. 😦

    I wish you well, and I congratulate you on bringing down the traffic deaths in Qatar with your strict enforcement of the new traffic laws and penalties. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | March 25, 2010 | Reply

  96. I just caught up with you again and you’ve left Qatar! It was a pleasure to share a part of your journey while you were in Kuwait, and I think of you often on Friday mornings, looking at the lovely quilt hanging up front at “The Purple Palace” (the carpets were replaced before Christmas this year… an even deeper shade of purple!)I’ve been consumed with finishing my doctorate so the fun stuff falls by the wayside – but I’m determined to find time to keep up with your blog. I wish you a most amazing summer and a joyous time with your grandson.

    Comment by CdninQ8 | April 1, 2010 | Reply

  97. LOL, I am happy to see you, DaisyMae! I hope you are sitting down – I love purple, so I was always happy walking into the PURPLE CHURCH service, LLOOLL! Good luck on the doctorate – I suspect you have some serious material for dissertations readily at hand . . . . Thank you for commenting. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | April 2, 2010 | Reply

  98. As I said, dont know if you read the last comment need your help with the courtyards in old kuwaiti house info. Please reply to me A.S.A.P! Thanks.

    Comment by Mishal | June 30, 2010 | Reply

  99. Mishal, check your e-mail and the other comment – double rainbow post – I gave you some resources there.

    Comment by intlxpatr | July 1, 2010 | Reply

  100. hey old man watch your tongue

    Comment by Allah | October 12, 2010 | Reply

  101. Things must be pretty dull in Beijing, ‘allah’ for you to be trolling around making stupid meaningless comments on people’s blogs.

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 13, 2010 | Reply

  102. Oh good. It’s not just me. I was “trolling” around trying to figure out what “Bored in Beijing” might be flapping about. I haven’t posted but I’ve been lurking. I always enjoy your persoective. =)

    Comment by daisyMae | October 13, 2010 | Reply

  103. LOL, Daisy Mae, when I saw that comment I went to the website where you can check out where websites are located:

    and that comment turned out to be from Beijing. It was annoying, but trivial, so I let it be.

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 13, 2010 | Reply

  104. I was doing some internet searching when I found your blog. I just came back to Kuwait after living in Pensacola for 6 months, I haven’t lived there since I was a kid. I saw that you’re there now. Just wanted to say Hi from Kuwait.

    Comment by MKuwait | March 26, 2011 | Reply


    Comment by MKuwait | March 26, 2011 | Reply

  106. I like your blog, CrazyInKuwait. 🙂 It is a wonderful resource for anyone in Kuwait for the first time, and I love that you mention the AWARE center, which is such a great place for learning both Arabic and local culture. Ahlen wa sahlen!

    Comment by intlxpatr | March 26, 2011 | Reply

  107. I am lisa,from what I can read. It has been sad news and scam to everyone about Voodoo casters or so. But to me they are so real cause one worked for me not quite two weeks. I traveled down to where his shrine his and we both did the ritual and sacrifice. and now me and my ex are living very ok now.I don’t know about you but Voodoo is real;love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,diabetic voodoo,hypertensive voodoo,high cholesterol voodoo,Trouble in marriage,Barrenness(need a child),Luck, Money Spells,it’s all he does. I used my money to purchase everything he used he never collected a dime from. He told me I can repay him anytime with anything from my heart. Now I don’t know how to do that. If you can help or you need his help write him on () Thank you.

    Comment by lisa founte | June 29, 2011 | Reply

  108. Hi, I like your website. I just started my personal blog a month ago. we (my husband and I) have tons of plans for this new year, 2011. I was born in Kuwait, did my schooling in Kuwait and ended up marrying my childhood friend who lived all his life in Kuwait as well! We love exploring new places in Kuwait and a site like yours helps us to enjoy Kuwait! Thank you.

    Comment by Teena Jean | December 27, 2011 | Reply

  109. I am honored, Teena Jean, that you would learn anything about Kuwait from me. I found the secret in Kuwait is just keeping your eyes open; there is magic all around if you have the eyes to see it, and to understand how special it is. I look forward to seeing what you see. 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | December 27, 2011 | Reply

  110. Good morning! I couldn’t find an email address to send this to you, so keeping it cryptic: the new DCO is the former DPW OIC from a few years back. He asked if I have an email address for AdventureMan. Can you send it to my email? Thanks!

    Comment by Saladsnail | August 3, 2012 | Reply

  111. SS: e-mail address sent to your e-mail 🙂

    Comment by intlxpatr | August 3, 2012 | Reply

  112. LONG time 😉 I was thinking about you the other day 😀

    Comment by Ansam | August 17, 2012 | Reply

  113. I remember you so well, Ansam, and your sisters and your cousins, and your wonderful blogging ability 🙂 I have often wondered how you are doing, and if you are happy?

    Comment by intlxpatr | August 17, 2012 | Reply

  114. I also live in Pensacola and lived in Kuwait for seven years and still miss the people and Oh my the food!! Its nice to see I wasn’t the only expat in Kuwait who embraced the culture and experience. Great reading your blog…I will be back

    Comment by Lissa Sventek | October 25, 2012 | Reply

  115. No kidding, Lissa! Ahlen wa sahlen! It’s a funny world, and funny how many Pensacolians have either been in Kuwait or had family in Kuwait. A lot of service people, also one of my co-mother-in-laws have lived there. Isn’t life wonderful and mysterious in these ways?

    Comment by intlxpatr | October 25, 2012 | Reply

  116. It is indeed and oh so small…. 🙂

    Comment by Lissa Sventek | October 26, 2012 | Reply

  117. Mr. Intixpatr,

    I just was browsing the internet evaluating the information in regard to extra virgin olive oil as I do time to time to keep up with current pop culture. I ran across your statement that reflects quite badly with several companies I know are not involved with the adulteration of olive oil. We are quite the opposite. I spend myself, out of my own pocket, thousands of dollars a year testing EVOO’s on the shelf that I feel are not authentic due only to the vast research I do on container imports into the USA. Yes, there are many bad people that are greedy and do not have integrity. Although you are no better by naming companies that you have no clue are conducting such business. I would like if you had a shred of evidence to prove that the distributors are guilty of such crime you communicate. I can name several that have and several that do not. I know from not only container record, but from actual testing I have conducted. The just of your information is correct. Although, your list of firms is highly inaccurate. Yes, Bertolli got caught in the middle of a scandal and had a big name. And many others that I feel are the large adulterers as well, but now the market is getting cleaned up one importer at a time. I can name a few. I would like you to source your list? It seems very specific who you state has been caught with adulterated oils. Simply because many distributors on your list are either geographically in the same region or do business with one another.

    Kindest Regards,

    Stathi Martinis
    EuroAmericana, Inc.

    Comment by Efstathios Martinis | June 12, 2013 | Reply

  118. Did you even read the article, Efstathios Martinis? Did you not notice that this was an exhaustively researched article from The New Yorker magazine?

    In American supermarkets now, when you look at the sources, most will say something like ‘made with oils from Tunisia, Spain, Greece and Italy.’ That gives no guarantee of the mix, the quality, or even that batches will be consistent over time. The only way to have any kind of hope is to buy a single source olive oil from a vendor you trust.

    I hope you will be glad to hear that the oil we buy is from Greece, from Chania, imported by the Shoreline Deli and distributed also at the Apple Market.

    Comment by intlxpatr | June 12, 2013 | Reply

  119. Thanks for the scam email you shared on your blog. I’ve just receive it on 18 feb 2014. It is too good to be true. Nice blog you have it here. Please visit mine when you got the time.

    Comment by Shah | February 21, 2014 | Reply

  120. This is a great blog in which I can live vicariously through! I look forward to following.

    Comment by transcribingmemory | May 17, 2016 | Reply

    • LOL, don’t we all live a little vicariously through one another’s blogs? Welcome 🙂

      Comment by intlxpatr | May 17, 2016 | Reply

  121. Hi! Sondy here. I can’t access my account. I hope it’s temporary! But in the meantime, could you send an email? It’s been so long since I typed your address, I’m not sure I can remember it!

    Comment by Sondy Eklund | January 19, 2017 | Reply

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