Here There and Everywhere

Expat wanderer

Holly Beach and Hackberry, Louisiana

AdventureMan knows how to thrill my heart, and just down the road, we find Holly Beach.

“Do you want to walk on the beach?” he asks slyly. He knows the answer to that question will always be “YES!!”

Holly Beach is not Pensacola Beach. I don’t see a single restaurant, not a single hotel. I don’t see sugar white sand. The sand here is golden grey, and the beach is littered – with SEASHELLS! So many wonderful seashells! I could stay here for a long time!



LOL, it’s also an Alaska kind of beach!


On our way into Lake Charles, we make a stop at Brown’s Market, in Hackberry, Louisiana, for a list of items, and they had every item on our list. It is a great little stop, and has clean restrooms, too 🙂


October 30, 2014 Posted by | Alaska, Beauty, Entertainment, Exercise, ExPat Life, Living Conditions, Road Trips, Travel | , , , , , , | Leave a comment