Here There and Everywhere

Expat wanderer

Widad Kawar’s Passion

Many years ago, in another life, I was honored to visit the collection of Widad Kawar in Amman, Jordan. I was so young, and so completely in awe of Widad, who had made it a life mission to collect traditional clothing of the area, Palestinian, which was her own heritage, and nomadic.

It was like being a little girl and getting to play dress up as we oooohed and aahhhed over these gorgeous old dresses and head dresses. I had no idea she had become an institution, until I began to research a style of hijab I had seen there which I found very elegant.

LIttle Diamond, these are for you. They are from several sources, including The Arab Heritage site on Widad Kawar which I urge you to peruse when you have a spare hour or half a day or . . . a lifetime. She has created a monumental body of work with her passion for preserving these fabulous textiles.

From Widad Kawar’s collection: North Jordan

Shows a little of the glitz – this one is from Salt, photo from Widad Kawar’s collection:salt_headcover.jpg

I love this photo. The woman has a plain version of the headdress, and is wearing a double dress . . . and her husband is holding her hand!

June 1, 2007 Posted by | Arts & Handicrafts, Biography, Community, Cross Cultural, ExPat Life, Family Issues, Friends & Friendship, Jordan, Living Conditions, Photos | 7 Comments

Blog Complaints

My family and friends outside Kuwait tell me I don’t publish enough Kuwait photos. These two are for you, and I will try to work on this. 😉 These are from a recent trip to the Al Kout mall in Fehaheel, just south of Kuwait.

Ladies leaving the Al Kout Mall

I think this mosque is one of the most beautiful I have seen:

Is this not one of the most beautiful Starbucks you have seen? It sits on overlooking a small marina. Greetings to all my Seattle friends.

June 1, 2007 Posted by | Blogging, Cross Cultural, ExPat Life, Kuwait, Living Conditions, Lumix, Middle East, Photos | 8 Comments